École internationale Bellevue — École internationale Bellevue

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Ventes de gâteaux

Les ventes de gâteaux des classes de GS au CE2 arrivent.

Rattaché à Actualités

Soirée Portes Ouvertes

Venez découvrir l'école internationale Assomptions Bellevue.

Rattaché à Actualités

Accréditation Erasmus +

Le réseau Assomption France obtient l’accréditation.

Rattaché à Actualités

Notes from The choir

The children learnt several songs from Anglophone culture : two gospels, a children's traditional round, a Pop song from the Beatles that you can sing along at home (the scores are in their yellow folder).

Rattaché à Section internationale britannique / News from IS


On Friday, December 1st, we'll be starting an activity with our "Shelf-Elf" in the GS, CP, and CE1 classes. Our shelf-elf's name is Madison and she'll be visiting us from the North Pole. She'll be reporting back to Santa about who has been naughty and who has been nice.

Rattaché à Section internationale britannique / News from IS