Ensemble scolaire Assomption Lyon

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𝗘𝘹𝒑𝙡𝐨𝑟𝘪𝘯𝗴 𝘁ℎ𝒆 𝘸𝒐𝑛𝗱𝐞𝙧𝙨 𝘰𝑓 𝒔𝘁𝘳𝒂𝙬𝙗𝒆𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝘿𝑁𝑨 🍓 𝐞𝘅𝙩𝑟𝘢𝐜𝑡𝑖𝙤𝐧! In an effort to foster scientific curiousity, the Thermo Fisher Scientific Group in Lyon recently embarked on an exciting project with the CM1 pupils at Assomption Bellevue. Equipped with curiousity and a thirst for discovery, the children gathered in the classroom to conduct the exciting experiment. Their mission? 💠 To collect DNA samples from strawberries! Our budding scientists had so much fun marvelling at each step of the experiment. They learned about the wonders of DNA - obviously not just found in humans, but in all living things. We hope that this experience will have left them with a desire to explore the wonders of the scientific world in the future. Here at Assomption Bellevue, we take pride in showing that even small discoveries can lead to big adventures in learning! A big shoutout to the Thermo Fisher Scientific Group! See you soon for more exciting projects! 🎉

Rattaché à Section internationale britannique / News from IS

Accréditation Erasmus +

Le réseau Assomption France obtient l’accréditation.

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Vacances de printemps

Bonnes vacances

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Voyage scolaire

Buen viaje

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“Et si nous organisions un Loto Solidaire ?! Et c’est ainsi que nous sommes parties dans cette belle aventure !

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Célébration de Pâques

Vous êtes conviés à notre célébration de Pâques.

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Soirée Portes Ouvertes

Venez découvrir l'école internationale Assomptions Bellevue.

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Ventes de gâteaux

Les ventes de gâteaux des classes de GS au CE2 arrivent.

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